Second Career After Corporate

Second Career After Corporate

Ivan, a Vice President of Operations, was growing weary of corporate life and was seeking a transition towards entrepreneurship. Despite his vast skill set gathered from his corporate job, Ivan needed guidance and support to make this life-changing decision. That’s when he found Business Builders.

How Business Builders Helped Ivan: Second Career After Corporate

Through their extensive network of experienced business brokers and franchise opportunities, Business Builders connected Ivan with potential businesses that matched his skill set, interests, and financial goals. They ensured Ivan met the financial requirements and had the necessary experience to run a business, ensuring a smooth transition from an employee to a business owner.

With Business Builders, Ivan was not alone in his journey. They provided him with essential tools, resources, and a supportive community of like-minded individuals. This support network played a crucial role in Ivan’s transition and subsequent success.

Ivan’s Success Story:

Ivan decided to purchase a franchise that perfectly aligned with the skills he had acquired in his corporate career. With Business Builders’ comprehensive training programs and proven business models, Ivan was well-equipped to navigate his first year as an entrepreneur.

His first year was a resounding success, with his newfound franchise thriving under his leadership. This success allowed him to achieve financial independence, a dream he had long held but had seemed unattainable in his previous corporate role.

Giving Back to the Community:

His success story didn’t end with his financial independence. Ivan, now a successful entrepreneur, decided to give back to his community. Drawing inspiration from the community-centric approach of Business Builders, Ivan started a nonprofit organization. This initiative allowed him to use his success as a platform to support others, embodying the same principles of learning from and supporting one another that Business Builders had instilled in him.


Ivan’s transition from a corporate employee to a successful entrepreneur is a testament to the empowering services provided by Business Builders. They not only helped Ivan find the perfect business opportunity but also equipped him with the tools and support necessary for success. The result was a thriving business, financial independence, and a community benefiting from Ivan’s success.