Started A Side Hustle

Started A Side Hustle

Business Builders is a renowned platform that connects aspiring entrepreneurs with experienced business brokers and franchise opportunities. They provide access to a wide range of businesses for sale, ensuring an ideal match between the entrepreneur’s skills, interests, financial goals, and the potential business opportunity. Business Builders has been empowering entrepreneurs with tools, support, and resources for success for more than a decade. They aim to build a community of like-minded individuals who can learn from and support each other.

Client Profile: Started A Side Hustle

The client James was a Logistics Manager working for Amazon. Despite having a stable job, he had a burning desire to be an entrepreneur and was looking for a side business to start his entrepreneurial journey.

The Business Builders Journey:

The client turned to Business Builders for help. Given their expertise, they quickly assessed the client’s financial situation and background. They took into account his experience in logistics to find a business opportunity that would match his skills and interests.

After thorough research and evaluation, Business Builders connected the client with a prospective business for sale. This business was in the logistics industry – a perfect fit for the client’s experience and skills.

The client, with the guidance of Business Builders, purchased the business and started working on it as a side hustle while still employed at Amazon.


With the continuous support and resources provided by Business Builders, the client managed to grow his side business successfully. Eventually, he was able to retire from his Logistics Manager position at Amazon to focus full-time on his new business.

The client achieved financial freedom and was able to fulfill his entrepreneurial dreams. He credits his success to the services and support provided by Business Builders.